Was reminded of the musical "The Girls Upstairs" at first, then found something deeper and heavier. Ageing and death are forever lasting critical themes to humans throughout the history, along with which comes the philosophical reflection on the meaning of life, to which there's no settled answer, resulting in the continuous puzzle and pursuit while continuing up the path of life.
超级可爱,斑比刚出生站都站不稳,颤巍巍的,小兔子thumper说话直但是也超可爱。臭鼬you can call me flower if you want,自己怎样调理早射特别萌。大家都看着斑比的成长。斑比也最终长大,有了自己的孩子。真是幸福可爱的一生。猫头鹰先生最终还是单身狗,哈哈哈哈